PMAT Cirrus
- Version
- Date
6 Mar 2021
- Tagline
New and Improved PMAT
[Updated] Compatible with R 4.0
[Added] Now includes relative humidity imports.
[Added] Now pulls data from MesoWest..
[Added] New guidelines for sensors that are not active (See Documentation Page for further info.)
[Updated] Now installs R 4.0
[Added] Additional argument to configure database imports (run bash -h for more information)
[Fixed] Fixed issues with bar charts where if there were more than three sensors, not all bar charts would be added for the remaining sensors.
[Added] Added more time series plots and more composite plots.
[Updated] Changed the x-axis labeling system to have tick marks at the 1st of the month.
[Updated] Redesigned the main analytical plot, confidence interval is now a shaded region, and the plot is now monochromatic.
[Updated] Pac-Man residual was removed from this plot set.
[Updated] Pac-man residual now resides in a new plot set (run Rscript model.r –pacman)
[Added] Mean TPW and Mean temperature comparison can now be visualized in a Pac-Man plot.
[Added] Two web-apps are active. One is a Data Dashboard, which allows for the viewing of time series data as a scatter plot or a heat map, and analytical comparisons between data that has been collected.
[Added] The Data Dashboard also allows for custom time series data to be uploaded.
[Added] The Machine Learning dashboard now allows for custom data to be uploaded.
[Fixed] Fixed multiple CSS issues.
[Updated] Altered Pac-Man residual plot documentation to refer to the package documentation
[Updated] Updated procedure to include the new command-line arguments
[Added] Included buttons on the dashboard’s “Project Updates” card to include Pac-Man plots and Poster plots that are generated from data we have collected.
[Updated] We also scored a .tech domain for the page.
[Misc] This is a work in progress
PMAT Altocumulus
- Version
- Date
10 Nov 2019
- Tagline
Initial Deployment of The Precipitable Water Model
[Added] Flexible data input
[Added] Easy Hands-off setup.
[Added] Command-line arguments to access the different plots available
[Added] Time Series plots for zenith sky temperature and precipitable water
[Added] Analytical plots showing the correlation between zenith sky temperature and precipitable water
[Added] Poster ready plots for presentations
[Added] A data set including the average temperature and precipitable water
[Added] The Pac-Man Residual
[Updated] Documentation Page.