Precipitable Water Model

Our Contributors

We would like to recognize the people that have contributed to this project.

Vicki Kelsey

Vicki Kelsey
Role: Project Lead
email public

Spencer Riley

Spencer Riley
Role: Supreme Developer of the PMAT Software and Co-Author
email public

Dr. Kenneth Minschwaner

Dr. Kenneth Minschwaner
Role: Research Advisor and Co-Author
email public

Fernando Rivera

Fernando Rivera
Role: Data Collection and Analysis for Socorro, NM

Christen Gauker

Christen Gauker
Role: Data Collection and Analysis for Rapid City, SD

Fleford Redoloza

Fleford Redoloza
Role: Automation Engineer

Kara Huse

Kara Huse
Role: Automation Engineering Technician

Guidelines for Contributors

While working on data collection or any contributions to this project, keep in mind the following guidelines. Contributions that do not follow these guidelines will not be included in the project.
1 Practice good science.
2 Be as consistent as possible.
3 Do not fabricate or fudge your data.
4 Be detailed in your findings.

Contributing Data

If you would like to add temperature and precipitable water measurements to our dataset please follow the data formatting guidelines on the documentation page. To contribute datasets follow the procedure in this section:

We should make note that the only prerequisite for this deployment system is a GitHub account.
1 Create an Issue using the PMAT Deployment template. A branch with the city and state name will be created, all branches of the repo can be viewed here.
2 Once the Issue has been closed, fork the repository
3 Navigate to the branch that corresponds to your location and edit the data files appropriately. Guidelines for data files can be viewed on the main documentation page.
4 Submit a pull request. Be sure when opening a pull request that the base and head repositories have branches that correspond to the branch created in Step 1.

Contributing Features

If you would like to add an additional feature to the model follow the procedure below.
1 Fork it!
2 Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
3 Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
4 Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
5 Submit a pull request.
6 After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch.

Issues and Bugs

To file a report on an bug, visit this page and fill out the form with as much detail as possible. Include system information and the exact method used to generate the issue. We will make an attempt to resolve the issue as soon as possible. If the issue cannot be resolved then we apologize for the inconvience, and we will actively try to find a workaround.

Thank you for your help!